Highlighting in Kindle books

I almost never highlight or underline anything in paper books, but Kindle books are a whole different story. I LOVE to highlight. What I find interesting is what I choose to highlight.

When reading non-fiction, I probably do what most people do and grab the main points or memorable quotes for application to my own circumstances.
But with fiction, I love to highlight lovely phrases or apt descriptions or something funny.

As I’ve mentioned before, I read a lot of Kindle books from the library and use Goodreads. Since I have them set to sync, I can see my highlights even after I’ve returned the book to the library, and this is GOLD to me.

Anyway, since they are handy in one place, I actually tend to go through them more frequently than I otherwise would. I gathered a sampling of some fiction highlights I’ve made over the years.

Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories, 1909 to 1922

“Slowly and reverently he plucked off the petals and scattered them on the ripples, where they drifted lightly off like fairy shallops on moonshine.” 

“She knew no fear, being one of those enviable folk who can because they think they can.”

Beauty by Robin McKinley

“the room we had just left was still dim and rosy with firelight.”

“the delicious, insidious smells of hot chocolate and of buttered toast.”

Emily of Deep Valley:

“It’s amazing,” she thought, “what you can do when you muster your wits.”

“I’m not so humble as I used to be. But who could be humble, studying Browning? He makes you feel important just because you’re a human being.”

“She was extremely busy. Planted seeds produce a garden that requires tending. And all her desperate efforts to find self-expression were sprouting into demanding growths.

The Trials of Morrigan Crow:

“The air was richly autumnal. It smelled of rain and chimney smoke and decomposing leaves. Of apples and beeswax.”

Heaven to Betsy:

“Bettina is a natural leader,” said Julia, whose opinion of Betsy was so good that it kept Betsy busy living up to it.’

“She had a weakness for fresh new notebooks and finely sharpened pencils.”

Assassin’s Quest:

“Yesterday was an ugly day. I would not base any life decision on it.”

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