You don’t have to have gobs of money to make your life more luxurious. Even on a budget, there are plenty of ways to make everyday life feel more abundant. There are numerous inexpensive ways to bring elegance and refinement into your life. It is nearly always possible to create an atmosphere of decadence even on the smallest budget.
Make your home beautiful
You don’t have to spend ANY money to make your home lovelier. Considering your whole house at once might be WAY too overwhelming, but try just picking one space. Where do you spend the most time? Pick that.
Take a look at that space. Maybe it’s your living room. Do you use or love everything in the room? If you don’t love or use it, take it out. It doesn’t belong. Do you have pretty things in a box or drawer or closet that you could display? Put them out. Hang the picture, put your collection of glass pandas where you see and enjoy them.
Take care of your body
Maybe you have some beauty product that you are hanging on to that would make you feel richer just to use. Exfoliate, moisturize, manicure, bathe, buff, polish, roll, scrape, clip, curl, dry, or whatever. You will feel prettier and also have less guilt/clutter. That’s a total win!
Incorporate flowers and plants Into Your Home
Putting flowers and plants around your home might have some investment, but there are bargain plants around. If you have an Aldi, keep an eye out for their plants. It’s a fact that spending less on plants make you feel less guilty if you kill them. Ha ha!
Seeds are cheap, and you can plant flowers in the spring to cut during the summer and early fall. Again, Aldi has great prices on flowers and so does Trader Joe’s. Your local grocery, like Walmart or Kroger, might also have some pretty bouquets that are marked down.
Magazines, books, music, and entertainment
Magazines have a luxurious feel to me (I love Victoria!) but if you never read them and they just turn into clutter, definitely don’t subscribe. Libraries can be great places to get magazines on a low budget. Usually you can check out any but the most recent copy.
I have a TBR (to be read) pile of epic grandeur, but piles of books make me happy, so they stay. Books delight my senses, so I have lots. I really love getting beautiful copies of books and keep a running list on Amazon.
Chances are you probably have a device that can play music to grace your home. I love the YouTube channels that play a scene with background music or just ambient sounds. I have one playing many mornings on my Echo Show that sits at the kitchen table where I work.
Take time to entertain yourself in ways that feel like luxury. Maybe you never make the time to watch movies you want to see because you feel guilty. Make the time! Local productions can sometimes be found inexpensively or even free. Facebook groups local to you might have events to find or check out an old school bulletin board at a local shop.
Use aromatherapy or other scent ritual
Scent in a home can feel very special. I don’t use candles a lot because the indoor air pollution and someone in my house gets headaches from many of them, but I do love to use diffusers with essential oils. I sometimes simmer some spices or orange peels for fragrance. I have some room sprays I’ve made as well.
Explore your town or region
You might be surprised at how many things in your area there are to do. I like to visit old libraries, and that is free of course (love those old Carnegie libraries!). There might be tours of towns or buildings or wineries or gardens. The local art museum might have a free day. There are festivals and celebrations happening in small and large towns all over.
Churches often have events like harvest parties and carnivals that are free to attend.
Maybe just walking down an old or pretty street on a gorgeous day can feel like luxury. A crisp fall day in a cute sweater with a travel mug of tea or coffee just wandering past small shops could make your week!
Spend time outdoors: make a pretty spot
Spending time outside brings so much peace and gratitude to my days. When the spring begins to warm where I live in the USA in Ohio, I love to go out and sit in the sun. Breezy days are delightful. I will take my computer out to the porch to work or to my small backyard where I’ve draped lights over a tree that hangs into my yard and put a battered, chippy table where I can set up my day.
Go for a walk or find a local park or nature trail. Savor the loveliness. Notice things. You can listen to a book you want to read or a podcast you’ve wanted to catch up on, but it’s nice to just BE.
What are some things that make your everyday feel a little more luxurious?