My blog exists to help people find the beauty and wonder in their everyday life. Here are a few of the ways I would love for that to happen.
1. I want you to pay attention and NOTICE the beautiful
It’s easy to ignore the pretty little things in life when things are busy and you’re anxious and rushing around and thinking about all the things. Do you ever just STOP and sit and dwell? Just to notice what is going on around you?
I’m particularly prone to this in the spring, when grass is starting to green and bulb flowers are poking above the dirt and the sun is warming the air. I like to go outside and sit on the steps and observe and enjoy.
2. I want you to USE your pretty things
I’m sure you have pretty things hanging around your house. Are they out where you can see them? Do you use them?
Do you keep using a battered old ugly mug when you have a prettier one in the cabinet just because you don’t want to break the nice one? Get it out! Sure, it could break, but it will have been a part of your life first.
Wear that cute underwear. Put those earrings on, even if you’re just doing housework. Spread that tablecloth on your table. Use the pretty dishes. Put the special soap next to the sink.
3. I want you to READ those books you’ve been meaning to read
Really. What are the types of books that keep you glued to the pages? Visit your library or bookstore or your own shelves or nightstand (ha ha!) or grab that Kindle or Nook or iPad and READ!
Read under the covers. Get an audiobook (digital and audio books are available for free at the library, and you can get them online!) and listen while you fold laundry or wash dishes or fix dinner.
I’m not necessarily talking about the books you think you should read, but about the ones you want to read. Either way, make it happen. Don’t feel guilty. Reading makes you a better person. Look it up if you don’t believe me!
4. I want you to wear the clothes that make you feel good about yourself
This is one I have been working on. Are your closet and drawers full of stuff you don’t wear? Is it because they are so full that you can’t really see what’s there? Or because you’ve just gotten used to putting on the same things?
Try a closet purge. Or just take a few things out that don’t work for you anymore. Do they fit? Do you like them?
Look again. Are there things that you really love and that fit but you don’t wear because the occasion seems wrong? Reconsider. It’s ok to wear those nice things at home or to the grocery store or library or picking the kids up from school.
If you’ve just forgotten about them, move them to the front of the closet or drawer. I’m not getting into a full how-to here, but there are so many wonderful resources for this out there.
5. I want you to have flowers in your life
Flowers are so happy. Grocery stores often have fresh flowers for just a few dollars. My favorites are Trader Joe’s and Aldi. I particularly like to get potted bulb flowers in late winter and early spring and then I put them in my yard when they’re done blooming to enjoy in future years.
Good fake flowers are fun, too. IKEA has some ranunculus and lavender that are pretty realistic if you’re not looking too closely. The lavender in particular I’ve almost accidentally watered more than once.
If someone in your house is allergic, try putting some perennials outside. They come back every year to bring a little joy to your life. Or put some annuals in a pot on your porch or even a window box.
Life is beautiful
There are so many things in this beautiful, precious life for us to enjoy. You are worth being surrounded by lovely things. Take what you have. Use things you already own. Or buy something new. I am cheering for you!